PRACE   PRACE-3IP: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - Third Implementation Phase Project
European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project

Twenty six partners collaborate in the Third Implementation PRACE Phase (PRACE-3IP) project: PRACE aisbl and its 24 Members under the co-ordination of Forschungzentrum Jülich (JUELICH). PRACE-3IP complements and extends the work undertaken in PRACE-1IP and PRACE-2IP , e.g. to deliver a broader set of HPC services suitable for use by industry.

PRACE-3IP is designed to continue, extend and complement the previous and on-going work in the implementation phase of the PRACE Research Infrastructure. This involves providing a long-term, high-quality infrastructure for European Tier-0 systems, managing the coordination between the shared portion of the national HPC resources (Tier-1 systems), and strengthening the established relationships with industrial users. PRACE-3IP will add a new key activity to the PRACE RI: the use of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). The following four activities are central to PRACE-3IP:

  • Pre-Commercial Procurement: Pilot exercise for a joint procurement and joint ownership of innovative HPC prototypes, focusing on high-energy efficiency.
  • Deployment of HPC services for European industry: Proposes a broad set of services suitable for use by industry, including access to HPC resources, knowledge transfer through application support, training and expertise.
  • Application scaling and support to address major socio-economic challenges: Tackles major socio-economic challenges and the use of simulation and modelling to deal with them.
  • Training and outreach for growth: Establishes a broad training and outreach activities specifically designed to engage more user communities, including industry, in the use of HPC systems.

The work of PRACE-3IP and its objectives are structured into eight Work Packages that address the requirements of the European HPC ecosystem. Work Packages are mapped to four key objectives (PCP, HPC Services, Applications Scaling, Training & Outreach) using three activity types (Networking, Service and Joint Research activities).

Project facts:

Start date: 01/07/2012 
Duration: 24 months (PCP Component of PRACE-3IP will run for 48 months) 
Budget: 26.8 €M 
EC contribution: 19 €M 
Grant agreement number: RI-312763 

Activities and news related to the project: