SCL Lecture series on complexity - Part 2

You are cordially invited to the second lecture in SCL Lecture series on complexity which will be held on Monday, 21 October 2024 at 18:00 in the small lecture hall of the Kolarac Endowment. The talk entitled

From atoms, through complexity, to free electricity

will be given by Dr. Nenad Vukmirović (Institute of Physics Belgrade). The abstract of the talk:

Solar cells are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. Inside these cells, light absorption and the transport of energy and charge occur. In this lecture, we will explore how these complex processes arise from interactions between the particles that make up the materials. First, we will examine how atomic bonds influence the properties of electrons within materials. Next, we will describe how these properties determine the electrical and optical characteristics of the materials, as well as how atomic oscillations affect electron motion. Finally, we will demonstrate how tailoring these properties can lead to the development of efficient solar cells.

The complete lecture series schedule:

14 October - Dr. Marija Mitrović Dankulov: The physics of complexity and the hidden forces in our social lives
21 October - Dr. Nenad Vukmirović: From atoms, through complexity, to free electricity
28 October - Dr. Marija Janković: Remote complex worlds: extrasolar planets and asteroids
 4 November - Dr. Antun Balaž: Complex landscapes of ultracold atoms
18 November - Dr. Jakša Vučičević: Struggle against complexity in physics of high-temperature superconductors
25 November - Dr. Aleksandar Bogojević: Emerging from complexity: cooperation from conflict