Security in Amsterdam
The final EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team (OSCT) face-to-face meeting (agenda) took place in Amsterdam at NIKHEF, the Dutch National Institute for Sub-atomic Physics, on 22 and 23 March 2010. The meeting was open for all Regional Operations Center security contacts, but also for National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) security officers, serving at the same time as the EGI-CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) kick-off meeting. SCL's Dusan Vudragovic participated in the meeting as a representative of the Serbian NGI - AEGIS, and as a regional SEE-GRID-SCI security officer.
After 6 years of successful security operations, EGEE infrastructure faces around 10 security incidents per year, all of them caused purely by OS vulnerabilities, i.e. none are related to Grid middleware itself. The OSCT era is now finished, and currently we are in transition to EGI-CSIRT, which will provide EGI infrastructure with incident response capabilities across the participating NGIs. EGI-CSIRT will not only coordinate the operational security activities in the infrastructure, but also implement procedures, technical means and appropriate communication channels to other CSIRTs. In other words, it will provide NGIs with framework for coordination of the operational grid security.
During the first day of the meeting, an overview of training and dissemination activities, security service challenges, and security monitoring tools developed within EGEE OSCT was given. The second day of the meeting has focused on the transition from EGEE OSCT to EGI-CSIRT, emphasizing the high importance of ensuring the full functionality of all security procedures during the transition.