BANGI Jumping to Grid Operations
SEE-GRID-SCI countries and regional Grid operation team actively work and collaborate with the EGEE SEE ROC (EGEE South Eastern Europe Regional Operations Center) to prepare seamless transition to NGI-based Grid operations model, which will start with EGI as of 1 May 2010. Although both infrastructures are running the same gLite-3.1/3.2 middleware and even partially overlap, additional effort is needed in order to provide all NGIs with the required expertise, especially in terms of Grid procedures and policies. Non-EGEE countries from the SEE region are also provided with the support in establishing and registering their NGI operations centers in EGEE/EGI central tools. To accomplish this, a series of focused training events are organized during the last quarter of the SEE-GRID-SCI project, to transfer the knowledge and experience in Grid operations collected in the past six years appoints. SCL's Grid team has organized and coordinated these training events on behalf of project's SA1 activity.
After Grid operations training in Georgia, and numerous AEGIS training events, SCL team has organized a focused hands-on training event for Bosnian NGI (BANGI) representative Mihajlo Savic. The training dealt with Grid policies, procedures, monitoring and operational troubleshooting of services used within the EGEE/EGI community. The main steps necessary for the integration of BANGI to EGEE/EGI infrastructure were specifically discussed during the meeting, and as a result the first BANGI Grid site is registered in the EGEE Grid Operational Central Data Base (GOCDB), and started to be tested from the EGEE point of view. Further steps to be performed before the official launch of EGI have been also discussed, as well as the future collaboration between BANGI and AEGIS. We welcome BANGI team to the European Grid infrastructure!