SCL featured in Research*eu
The European component of research conducted at SCL has recently been featured in a special issue of the Research*eu a monthly magazine published by the European Commission that profiles research conducted in the European Research Area (ERA).
"Research Cooperation with the Western Balkans: A Tool to Facilitate Integration"
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2010
(ISBN 978-92-79-14271-0)
Excerpt of the text related to SCL:
"The Institute of Physics in Belgrade (Serbia) was selected for four support actions: two on nanotechnology, one on optics and one on computng. Through the CX-CMCS project, the Scientific Computing Laboratory (SCL), which works on grid computing and simulations of complex systems, received funding which enabled the institute to hire young researchers, provide training and mobility opportunities for research staff, and upgrade the computing infrastructure.
Institute of Physics Belgrade,
Photo and design by Igor Smolic (Serbia)
This reinforced capacity meant that the SCL was able to become a partner in Europe's flagship GRID project and obtain funding from other stakeholders (a NATO grant and bilateral projects with France, Germany, Slovenia and Switzerland). It also convinced the government to launch an ambitious seven-year initiative
that will lead to the creation of the new Blue Danube supercomputing facility at the Belgrade Institute of Physics, located on the beautiful flanks of the Danube. The SCL's quest for sustainability has also led to it forging an academic partnership with IBM."