UOB Faculty of Chemistry and ICTM visit SCL
A delegation consisting of researchers from University of Belgrade's Faculty of Chemistry and Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (ICTM), led by Prof. Dr. Ivan Juranic, visited Scientific Computing Laboratory today. They have been welcomed by SCL's Antun Balaz who introduced them to ongoing activities of IPB within PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) and HP-SEE (High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities) projects.
SCL member Dr. Aleksandar Bogojevic opened a talk session with an overview of today's e-Science efforts of IPB and usage of computing and storage resources in modern scientific work, both in High Performance Computing and Grid Computing areas. In the following session, SCL's Vladimir Slavnic gave a talk in which hardware resources of SCL were presented in detail followed by the presentation of AEGIS (Academic and Educational Grid Initiative of Serbia) and more details of Serbian involvement in EGI, PRACE and HP-SEE projects. After that, technical terms and principles of usage of Grid resources from the user point of view were presented to visiting scientific community.
After the talk and following discussion, future actions were determined with organization of Grid training event for all future Grid users from visiting institutions as one of them.