SCL at HPC Summer Training in Athens
The Joint HPC Summer Training organized by HP-SEE, LinkSCEEM-2 and PRACE projects has gathered scientists from the wide spectrum of fields. The training has aimed to enhance the knowledge of current HPC users, and to engage new user communities in the use of HPC infrastructures.
This training event was jointly organized from 13 to 15 July 2011 at the training center of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE Academy) in Athens, Greece. The lectures and hands-on sessions have focused on the practical usage of HPC for multi-disciplinary scientific research communities, parallel programming methods, performance analysis tools and code optimization. The lectures are given by the accredited PRACE, HP-SEE and LinkSCEEM trainers, as well as external experts in the HPC field. More details and all presentation and hands-on materials can be obtained from the HPC Summer Training indico page.