SCL members participated in „The Trans-European School of High Energy Physics“ , a summer school which lasted from July 13th to July 20th 2012 in Petnica Science Center, Serbia.
Dr Aleksandar Belic, the director of the Institute of Physics Belgrade, gave an invited talk to all lecturers and participiants of the school. Dr Antun Balaz was one of the organizers and lecturers. The seminar "Grid and High Performance Computing in Physics" focused on the use of Grid computing as a crucial tool in modern High Energy Physics. Milica Cvetkovic was a participant of the school.
The lectures covered various aspects of high-energy physics, with the main focus on experiments in particle physics. The program also consisted of general lectures about Standard Model, accelerators, neutrino physics etc. Beside the lectures, seminars were given in order to give more details about the topics. Most of them were strongly related to the latest research in the field of high-energy physics. Students were actively participating in the TESHEP program and through the practical work, they had the opportunity to learn how to analyze real data obtained from LHC and measure fundamental properties of some particles.
Special session was dedicated to the very last results from the detectors of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the discovery of a new particle for which is believed to be the Higgs boson.
As a special guest, Sergio Bertolucci, the Director for Research and Scientific Computing in CERN, gave a lecture about the future projects in CERN.