Aleksandar Bukva
aleksandar [dot] bukva [at] scl [dot] rs
- Born: May 20, 1994 in Kikinda, Serbia
- Master student at SCL from October 2017
- Advisor: Dr. Milica Milovanović
- 2017 - present MSc in Physics, University of Belgrade
- 2013-2017 BSc in Physics, University of Belgrade
Research and teaching
- New approaches for boosting to uniformity 2015 JINST 10 T03002
Published 30 March 2015 • © CERN 2015
- Developing novel numerical field solver for Maxwell’s equations
Dresden, Germany, July-September 2016
- Junior Associate at Petnica Science Center, Valjevo, Serbia 2014 - present
- September 2015 Award for the best technical paper at the University of Belgrade, New approaches for boosting to uniformity
Selected publications