v_jankovic-h187 Curriculum Vitae

- Papers
- Proceedings

Veljko Janković
Associate Research Professor
PhD 2018, University of Belgrade
veljko [dot] jankovic [at] scl [dot] rs

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics
Quantum Statistical Physics, winter semester 2018/19
Lecturer: Dr Milica Milovanović
Teaching assistant: Veljko Janković

NOTICE: The last changes to this webpage were made on September 19, 2019, and it is not maintained anymore.

Attendance at Lectures and Exercises and Homework Guidelines for the Preparation of the Oral Part of the Exam (in Serbian)

Problems Offered on Exam Sessions in Academic Year 2018/19 Lecture Notes (in Serbian)
Problem Sets (in Serbian)

The last appointment at exercises in Quantum Statistical Physics took place on December 24, 2018. From left to right: Živ Radisavljević, Veljko Janković, Jovan Markov, Stefan Joka, Željko Arsić, Jovana Ševo, Milica Aleksić, and Marija Šindik.